A detailed view of office workout moves that you can do at your desk

» Posted on Apr 10, 2020 in Benefits of Exercise, Health and Sport

A detailed view of office workout moves that you can do at your desk

If you have trouble doing a morning workout, then here is some exercise tips that you can do at the office desk that helps you to stay fit. The moves mentioning here involves strengthening and stretching of your body that all within the chair comfort in your office. Here, doing exercise in an office does not involve any traditional training but keeps your body moving in your chair without getting away from your desk.

You can consult the doctor for doing these exercises if you have any illness, injuries, or any other health conditions. Make sure the chair that you use for ding these is very stable or if the chair you are going to use has wheels then roll the chair to the wall and make sure that the chair will not move while you are exercising. The equipments you needed for the exercise moves are just a full water bottle and a chair.


Some of the easy moves that help you stay fit

The following are the guide to office workout moves doing at your desk that can be done comfortably in an office chair. Stretch your arms, wrists, lower back for both sides and hold the stretching position for about 20 – 30 seconds. Do some lower body exercises like the inner thigh, leg extension, and hip flexion and also some chair exercises like one-leg squats, dips, and chair squats. Do upper body exercises such as biceps curl and front rise to triceps press and Ab exercises such as Ab twist and side bends.

chair exercises

Beyond this exercise there some other tricks that help you stay active at your work includes walking around the office with a good chat with your colleague, parking your vehicle away from the door so that you can walk for some distance and taking the staircase instead of using a lift and also instead of sitting on the chair you can sit on an exercise ball.

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